Day 71: Memphis, TN
We left Pig Snort Island this morning and paddled 13 miles to Memphis to meet up with the legendary Bearded Adventurer Dale Sanders who as of this year is the oldest man to paddle the Mississippi River from source to sea at 80 years old! Anyway we arrived at the Marina Yacht Club around noon. I walked into the office and asked for Andy Anderson the manager. I introduced myself and explained to him that Dale Sanders had sent us and that we were paddling the Mississippi River from source to sea. I then asked him if we could tie our boat up at the marina while we were in Memphis. He told us that wouldn't be a problem. We re-organized the items we needed to bring to Dales house for the night. Before calling Dale to be picked up we walked to a nearby restaurant called TUGS for lunch. Although Andy said he wasn't sure if they served BBQ we were certain that they would since it is after all Memphis. Well they had outside seating that allowed dogs which was good but no BBQ which was bad. But we both ordered burgers which were great. After we ate we walked to Bass Proshop to buy fuel for our stove and a new bag for our rain gear. Dave got lost inside while I waited outside with Reggie. After what seemed like an eternity he emerged having spent just over $30 which was suprising since Bass Proshop isn't exactly cheap. As we walked back to the marina we called Dale. Shortly after we arrived Dale showed up. We had been talking with Andy and Captain Francis. As Dale walked up it was clear he was a like minded soul and the three of us hit it off instantly. When we arrived at his house we were faced with an incredibly difficult choice: Maintain our streak by sleeping outside in our tent OR sleep inside on a tempurpedic mattes! Amanda and I both hesitated and Amanda had looked as though she was going to break. In the end we stayed true to our decision and set up our tent. After an amazing shower we drank some amazing wine courtesy of Dale and signed his paddlers wall. That night his wife Marian made us a delicious spaghetti dinner. The conversation was wonderful as they were truly kindred spirits. After dinner we went to Walmart to pick up a couple food items including fresh fruits and veggies. The night ended with packing food and snuggling into our wonderful warm fart sacks (aka sleeping bags).
Day 72: Back to the river
We woke up promptly at 7am this morning and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast made by Dale and Marian of pancakes, English Muffins and coffee. We chatted till about 930. The conversation with them was so easy and comfortable we could have stayed all day. Anyway as we prepared to leave Marian made us lunch to go which was great and gave us a bag of fresh pecans and off we went. By noon we were back on the water and away we went. As we left the Memphis area which was suprisingly quick the barge traffic picked up a bit forcing us out of the channel. As we paddled along the shoreline of a sandbar it happened again, Amanda got carped, yep carped (yes I just verbed a noun deal with it). A huge carp slammed against the bow of the boat and she screamed and I laughed. Despite our late start we paddled 30 miles give or take a mile. Dinner was great, Dave's B&R and we enjoyed a wonderful fire as we ate. It should be mentioned that we are officially in Mississippi! That's wild, the end seems in reach which is a feeling that is hard to describe especially when the end still means paddling 705 more miles! We dubbed this campsite Birch Beach because Dave's found two Birch logs, the first we have seen since leaving the upper midwest!
We forgot to mention Randy J has a new outfit made out of our old waterproof bag that is down for the count. Liz I hope you like her outfit!! Way better then a swimsuit!!
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